About Author

A brief about author

Author of these books, with over 27 years of experience in entrepreneurship, he is also the CEO, Founder, and President of the Indian Institute of Computer Technology (IICT), Graminfotech Pvt.Ltd., and the Society for Computer Educational Research. He holds a doctorate in physics, has published widely internationally, led workshops, and is certified to provide IT services such as training, development, and consulting. Author of four books on electronics, including Do It Yourself Computer Networking, Computer Peripherals—Part I, Computer Peripherals—Part II.
The study of physics involves studying nature. We can all live happily ever after if that is what the entire human race desires. To save Earth and life, we must work together as a global community. In order to preserve Earth and life with zero carbon emissions, we should honour and be grateful to the scientists who are working on green hydrogen (H2) as a future fuel alternative. The greatest day of joy in history has arrived; let us try our hardest to preserve nature, which is a perfectly clean environment.
Email: graam.iict@gmail.com

Note: My book on electronics has ben launched by Blue rose Publishing Pvt. Ltd. in World Book Fair at Pragati Maidan, Delhi on February 13, 2024.
My Electronics book can be found on major online platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, and Blue Rose Store, as well as Google Play and Kindle for e-book editions.

Author’s other books are ready for Publishing on demand.